Objectives, Principles, and Types of Public Health Budgeting

GP Chudal

Budgeting in the scope of public health plays a pivotal role in ensuring the effective allocation of resources to support health promotion, disease prevention, and overall community well-being. This article dives into the objectives, principles, and various types of public health budgeting.

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Objectives of Public Health Budgeting:

  1. Health Promotion: Allocate resources to programs that encourage healthier lifestyles and behaviors in communities.
  2. Disease Prevention: Support initiatives that aim to prevent the occurrence of diseases and reduce their impact on public health.
  3. Equitable Access: Ensure that healthcare services and resources are distributed fairly among all segments of the population.
  4. Community Engagement: Allocate funds to projects that involve community participation and collaboration in health-related activities.
  5. Efficiency: Optimize resource allocation to achieve the best possible health outcomes with the available budget.

Principles of Public Health Budgeting:

  1. Transparency: The budgeting process should be open and clear, enabling stakeholders to understand how funds are allocated.
  2. Accountability: Responsible use of funds should be demonstrated through tracking, reporting, and evaluation of program outcomes.
  3. Equity: Resources should be distributed based on the needs of the population, ensuring that vulnerable groups receive adequate support.
  4. Participation: Involvement of community members, healthcare professionals, and policymakers in budget decisions enhances effectiveness.
  5. Evidence-based: Allocation decisions should be informed by data, research, and evidence of the impact on public health.

Types of Public Health Budgeting:

a) Master or Program Budget and Operating/Functional Budget:

  • Master or Program Budget: This type of budgeting allocates funds to overall public health programs or initiatives, considering the overarching goals and objectives. It provides a holistic view of resource allocation.
  • Operating/Functional Budget: Operating budgets allocate funds for day-to-day activities and operational costs within specific programs or departments. It focuses on the financial aspects of running these activities efficiently.

b) Long Term, Short Term, and Concurrent Budget:

  • Long-Term Budget: Plans expenditures over an extended period, often aligning with multi-year strategic plans to ensure continuity and stability.
  • Short-Term Budget: Covers a shorter period and is designed to address immediate needs and changes in public health priorities.
  • Concurrent Budget: Combines both short-term and long-term elements, allowing flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances while adhering to a broader strategy.

c) Fixed/Flexible and Recurrent Budget:

  • Fixed Budget: Allocates a set amount of funds to specific programs, with limited flexibility to adjust allocations during the budget period.
  • Flexible Budget: Allows for adjustments in resource allocation based on changing priorities, needs, and emerging public health challenges.
  • Recurrent Budget: Covers ongoing, routine expenses such as salaries, maintenance, and regular activities that contribute to the sustained functioning of programs.

d) Regular and Development Budget:

  • Regular Budget: Focuses on routine activities, maintenance, and ongoing services that ensure the continuous operation of public health programs.
  • Development Budget: Allocates resources for new initiatives, innovations, and projects aimed at improving and expanding public health services.

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