New Salary Scale of Teachers in Nepal in 2080 [Updated info]

GP Chudal

Updated Salary of Nepalese Government Teachers 2080 BS

The Ministry of Finance has made an important announcement regarding the salary structure of teachers in Nepal. In a recent publication, an appendix containing the revised salary scale for teachers in community schools has been released for wider circulation. This development has sparked great interest and anticipation among educators and the general public alike. As we delve into the details, we will explore the new salary scale of teachers in Nepal for the year 2080 BS (2023 AD) and shed light on the factors that influence the earnings of these dedicated professionals.


Please note that this salary scale was decided during the budget of 2079/80 B.S and in the latest budget of 2080/80, there has not been a single change in the salary scale of government employees in Nepal. The information provided in this article/blog post is however fully authentic and these salary scales still apply to this current fiscal year 2080/2081 B.S in Nepal.

Suggested Readings: 

1. New Salary Scale in Nepal [Updated Info]
2. Nepal Army New Salary Scale [Updated info]
3. New Salary Scale of Teachers in Nepal [Updated info]
4. Basic Salary Scale in Nepal [Updated Info]

Starting from the month of Shrawan in the year 2080 BS, secondary level teachers in Nepal have the potential to earn a maximum salary of NRs 68,145. This salary adjustment marks a significant increase from previous years and reflects the government’s recognition of the valuable contribution made by teachers to society. It is important to note, however, that the actual amount teachers receive in their bank accounts may be subject to deductions mandated by income tax regulations or other factors that may be specific to individual circumstances.

The new salary scale is a testament to the government’s commitment to enhancing the financial well-being of teachers in Nepal. Recognizing the vital role teachers play in shaping the nation’s future, the authorities have taken steps to ensure that their remuneration is commensurate with their dedication and expertise. This adjustment is part of the broader initiatives outlined in the 2080 BS budget, which aims to promote the growth and development of the education sector.

Read the full budget speech of 2080/81 B.S here.

Teachers in Nepal have long fought for competitive wages that are fair and reflect the obligations and demands of their line of work. A significant step has been taken to address their concerns and aspirations with the new salary scale. The government wants to attract and keep highly qualified educators who will motivate and enable the subsequent generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers by enhancing financial incentives.

It is important to note that community schools are the only ones to which Nepal’s new teacher pay scale is applicable. The government’s initiative sets a standard for the entire education sector, even though private schools and other educational institutions may have their own salary structures. The government wants to make it more equitable for teachers all over the nation, regardless of where they live or what kind of institution they work for, by establishing a uniform pay scale.

The revised pay scale for teachers in Nepal for the year 2080 B.S. has attracted a lot of attention and brought up important issues regarding the general financial climate of the education sector. Many people are interested in learning how this change will affect teachers’ salaries and whether it will encourage more people to consider a career in education. The new salary scale is unquestionably a good thing, but it must be taken into account alongside other aspects of teachers’ overall financial health, such as living expenses, inflation rates, and opportunities for career advancement.

New Salary Scale of Nepalese Government Teachers in 2080 BS

S.N.Position / LevelBasic SalaryGrade NumberGrade RateMonthly Salary (in Rs.)
01.Secondary (First Class)56,7876189368,145
02.Secondary (Second Class)48,7378162561,737
03.Secondary (Third Class)43,6898145655,337
04.Lower-Secondary (First Class)45,8628152958,094
05.Lower-Secondary (Second Class)43,6898145655,337
06.Lower-Secondary (Third Class)34,7308115843,994
07.Primary with SLC (First Class)43,6898145655,337
08.Primary with SLC (Second Class)34,7308115843,994
09.Primary with SLC (Third Class)32,9026109739,484
10.SLC failed up to 2 subjects27,612692033,132
11.SLC failed in more than 2 subjects26,082686931,296

The salary scale for Nepalese teachers in 2080 BS has been updated, and it is essential to understand the details provided in the table below. This breakdown outlines the positions or levels of teachers, along with their corresponding basic scales, grade numbers, grade rates, and monthly salaries in Nepalese Rupees (NPR).

Starting with the secondary level, teachers classified as “Secondary (First Class)” can expect a monthly salary of 68,145 NPR, based on a basic scale of 56,787 NPR and a grade number of 6. Similarly, for the “Secondary (Second Class)” position, the monthly salary amounts to 61,737 NPR, with a basic scale of 48,737 NPR and a grade number of 8.

As we move to the lower-secondary and primary levels, we find that teachers in various classes and qualification categories have different salary scales. For example, the “Lower-Secondary (Third Class)” position offers a monthly salary of 43,994 NPR, with a basic scale of 34,730 NPR and a grade number of 8. On the other hand, teachers in the “Primary with SLC (First Class)” position can expect a monthly salary of 55,337 NPR, based on a basic scale of 43,689 NPR and a grade number of 8.

It is worth noting that the salary scale also considers teachers who have not passed the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination. Those who failed up to two subjects will receive a monthly salary of 33,132 NPR, with a basic scale of 27,612 NPR and a grade number of 6. Similarly, teachers who failed in more than two subjects will have a monthly salary of 31,296 NPR, based on a basic scale of 26,082 NPR and a grade number of 6.


This updated salary scale is crucial in understanding the financial aspects of being a teacher in Nepal in 2080 BS. It reflects the government’s commitment to recognizing the dedication and expertise of educators by providing them with competitive salaries. By considering factors such as position, qualification, and grade rate, teachers can gain insight into the potential earnings they can expect in their respective roles.


In conclusion, the Ministry of Finance’s recent announcement regarding the revised pay scale for teachers in Nepal in 2080 BS is an important step towards appreciating the invaluable contributions made by teachers in the nation. The government hopes to improve teachers’ financial security and make teaching a more desirable profession that draws and retains talented people by implementing a revised salary structure.

The new pay scale, which is applicable to community schools, establishes standards for the whole education industry and paves the way for a more equitable setting. To truly understand this adjustment’s impact on the lives of teachers, it is essential to examine it in the context of economic variables and career prospects. Teachers’ welfare and professional development must be given top priority as Nepal’s educational system develops because they play a crucial role in determining the country’s future.

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