Process of Plan Formulation in Nepal

GP Chudal

Plan Formulation in Nepal

When it comes to economic development, plan formulation in Nepal is a crucial process that shapes the nation’s future. The National Planning Commission, operating under the guidance of the National Development Council, plays a pivotal role in this intricate dance of development. In this blog post, we’ll explore the nuances of the planning process in Nepal, from assessing the existing situation to implementation and evaluation.

1. Understanding the Current Landscape (Existing Situation): To step on the procedures of plan formulation in Nepal, it’s essential to first comprehend the existing economic, social, and environmental conditions. This step involves a comprehensive study of available and potential resources, fiscal sectors, and human resources. Examining past government plans helps identify shortcomings and drawbacks, providing valuable insights into the state of the economy.

2. Setting Clear Objectives: With a firm grasp of the existing situation, the next task is to define the plan’s broad objectives concisely. These objectives serve as the guiding star for the entire planning process. They should be stated succinctly and align with national preferences and the country’s developmental stage. While objectives may differ from country to country, Nepal often emphasizes goals related to employment, welfare promotion, and poverty reduction.

3. Quantifying Development Targets (Plan Targets): Objectives alone are not enough. To transform them into actionable steps, planners must quantify development targets. These targets give a clear sense of direction and purpose. For example, if the objective is to increase per capita income, the target might specify a 7% annual growth rate.

4. Securing Resources (Resource Mobilization): No plan can succeed without adequate financing. Nepal’s plan formulation process involves identifying the key investment needs for national development. Plans should outline policies and strategies for mobilizing resources, both internal and external. Encouraging private and public savings is essential to meet the financial requirements of the plan.

5. Crafting Effective Development Policy: The success of any development plan depends on a well-defined and robust development policy. Sectoral policies, integral to the plan, must navigate potential pitfalls in the developmental process. These policies can encompass areas such as pricing, taxation, legal frameworks, market creation, and financial services. Their aim is to promote and increase savings, both in the private and public sectors.

6. Execution and Oversight (Implementation): A plan’s success hinges on its effective implementation. In Nepal, the National Planning Commission takes the lead in executing plans, with ministries being the main executors. Planning units within various ministries collaborate to prepare annual and periodic programs, ensuring that the plan’s objectives are actively pursued.

7. Reflecting and Adapting (Evaluation): The journey of plan formulation in Nepal doesn’t conclude with implementation; it continues with evaluation. Evaluating the impact of planning is crucial to assess whether objectives are being met. The National Planning Commission plays a pivotal role in this phase, ensuring that plans remain on track and are delivering the desired outcomes.

In conclusion, the process of plan formulation in Nepal is a complex but essential endeavor for the nation’s economic development. It involves a careful study of the existing situation, the establishment of clear objectives and targets, resource mobilization, the creation of effective development policies, implementation, and continuous evaluation.

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