Organization and its Features

GP Chudal

Meaning of Organization

In the context of economics and business, the organization refers to the process of coordinating and managing resources to achieve a specific goal. It involves the systematic arrangement of people, capital, and other resources to accomplish tasks in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

In a formal setting, an organization typically refers to the structure and management of a company or other enterprise. This can involve everything from the division of labor and responsibilities to the hierarchical arrangement of positions and roles within the organization.


Effective organization is essential for the success of any enterprise, as it allows for the efficient allocation of resources and the streamlining of operations. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity, higher profits, and greater overall success.

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There are many different approaches to organization, and each one may be more or less effective depending on the specific goals, resources, and circumstances of the enterprise. However, the fundamental principles of the organization remain the same, emphasizing the importance of careful planning, effective communication, and efficient use of resources to achieve a desired outcome.

Features/ Characteristics of Organization

  1. Entrepreneurship: Organization is often associated with entrepreneurship, which is the ability to identify an opportunity and create an organization to pursue it. Entrepreneurship involves taking risks and making decisions that can impact the success or failure of the organization.
  2. Coordination: An essential characteristic of the organization is coordination. It involves the arrangement of various factors of production, including labor, capital, and land, to achieve the desired outcome. Effective coordination of these factors can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
  3. Planning: Planning is a critical aspect of the organization. It involves setting objectives, determining the resources required to achieve them, and developing strategies to meet those goals. Effective planning is essential for the success of an organization.
  4. Communication: Communication is critical for an effective organization. It involves sharing information and ideas between different parts of the organization, including management and employees. Effective communication can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and better decision-making.
  5. Leadership: Leadership is an essential characteristic of an organization. Effective leadership involves setting clear goals, motivating employees, and providing guidance and direction. Strong leadership can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and better decision-making.
  6. Adaptability: An organization must be adaptable to changes in the market, technology, and other factors that can impact its operations. An adaptable organization can respond to changes quickly and efficiently, allowing it to remain competitive and successful.
  7. Innovation: Innovation is critical for an organization to remain competitive and successful. It involves developing new ideas, products, or services that can meet the changing needs of customers. An innovative organization can stay ahead of its competition and maintain its position in the market.

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