Share Markets in Nepal: IPOs, Primary, and Secondary Markets

GP Chudal

Understanding Share Markets in Nepal: IPOs, Primary, and Secondary Markets

In today’s discussion, we explore into the world of share markets in Nepal, specifically focusing on the different types of markets, the significance of IPOs, and which companies issue IPOs. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newcomer, understanding the basics of Nepal’s share markets is necessary.


Primary Market vs. Secondary Market:

Share markets in Nepal can generally be categorized into two primary segments: the primary market and the secondary market.

Primary Market: The primary market is where shares are first issued to the public. In this market, companies determine the initial price of their shares and invite the general public to purchase them. When a company offers its shares to the public for the first time, this process is referred to as an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Secondary Market: Once shares have been initially issued through an IPO, they are then traded in the secondary market. In the secondary market, shares are bought and sold among investors, but the company no longer directly benefits from these transactions. Instead, the shares are traded among investors.

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Understanding IPOs:

Now, let’s take a closer look at what IPOs entail:

What is an IPO? IPO stands for “Initial Public Offering.” It is the process through which a company offers its shares to the public for the first time. When a company decides to go public, it means they are inviting external investors to become shareholders in the company. In Nepal, IPOs are quite common in the stock market.

How Does an IPO Work? When a company decides to issue an IPO, it typically does so through an intermediary known as a share broker. Investors interested in purchasing shares of the company can place their orders through these brokers. Once the IPO subscription period ends, the shares are allocated to the investors, and they become shareholders of the company.

Why Do Companies Issue IPOs?

Companies issue IPOs for several reasons, including:

  1. Debt Repayment: Some companies use the funds raised from IPOs to repay existing debts, reducing their financial burdens.
  2. Business Expansion: IPO proceeds can be used to fund business expansion, open new branches, or invest in new projects.
  3. Enhancing Prestige: Going public can enhance a company’s prestige and credibility in the market.
  4. Liquidity for Shareholders: IPOs provide an exit strategy for existing shareholders who may want to sell their stakes.

Which Companies Issue IPOs?

Companies from various sectors issue IPOs in Nepal. The decision to go public depends on the company’s financial health, growth prospects, and business strategy. Some common reasons why companies issue IPOs include raising capital for expansion, reducing debt, and providing liquidity to existing shareholders.

For instance, if you’re interested in investing in Nabil Bank’s shares, you won’t be able to do so directly. Instead, you’ll need to go through a share broker to place your order and buy shares.


In conclusion, Nepal’s share markets offer opportunities for both companies and investors. Understanding the distinction between primary and secondary markets, as well as the significance of IPOs, is essential for anyone looking to participate in the stock market. Whether you’re a company seeking to raise capital or an investor looking for investment opportunities, Nepal’s share markets can be a dynamic and rewarding space.

Stay tuned for more insights into Nepal’s financial landscape and investment opportunities.

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