Reasons for Non-allotment of Shares in an IPO in Nepal

GP Chudal

Reasons for Non-allotment of Shares in an IPO in Nepal

Hello there, fellow investors in Nepal! Have you ever eagerly applied for shares in an Initial Public Offering (IPO), only to be disappointed when you didn’t receive any allocation? It’s a common experience, and in this blog, we’ll search into the reasons for non-allotment of shares in an IPO specifically in the context of Nepal. Let’s get started!

  1. Oversubscription Woes:

One of the primary reasons for non-allotment of shares in Nepalese IPOs is oversubscription. When a company goes public, there’s often a tremendous amount of interest and demand from investors. Nepalese investors, too, eagerly apply for shares, leading to an oversubscribed situation where the demand far surpasses the available shares. As a result, not everyone who applies gets allocated shares.

  1. Pro-Rata Allocation:

In many Nepalese IPOs, companies use a pro-rata allocation method. This means that if the IPO is oversubscribed, you’ll only receive a portion of the shares you applied for, and the remainder will be refunded to you. The allocation is typically based on the number of shares you requested compared to the total demand from all investors.

  1. Lottery System:

Some IPOs in Nepal employ a lottery system. In this scenario, all investors have an equal chance of receiving shares. It’s essentially a luck-based draw, and even if you applied for a substantial number of shares, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be allocated any.

  1. Priority for Institutional Investors:

In Nepal, as in many other markets, institutional investors such as mutual funds, insurance companies, and banks often receive priority in IPO allocations. This is done to ensure stability in the stock price after the company goes public. As an individual investor, you may find it challenging to get shares in such cases.

  1. Brokerage Influence:

The brokerage firm you choose to apply through can also impact whether you receive IPO shares or not. Some brokerages have better connections and may prioritize their high-net-worth clients or those who frequently trade. If your brokerage doesn’t have strong ties with IPO issuers, it can reduce your chances of getting allocated shares.

  1. Market Conditions:

The overall market conditions at the time of the IPO can influence your chances of getting shares. If the stock market is particularly volatile or uncertain, some investors may decide to hold off on applying for IPOs, potentially increasing your chances of allocation.

  1. Minimum Lot Size:

Certain Nepalese IPOs have a minimum lot size requirement. If you applied for a number of shares that doesn’t meet this requirement, you may not receive any allocation at all. Always check the prospectus for each IPO to understand the specific lot size requirements.


In Nepal’s IPO landscape, securing shares isn’t always a guaranteed outcome. It’s a dynamic and competitive process, but being aware of the reasons for non-allotment can help you navigate it more effectively.

Remember, if you miss out on shares in one IPO, there are always other opportunities. Stay informed about upcoming IPOs, keep an eye on market conditions, and consider diversifying your investment portfolio.

For more detailed information on IPOs and the process in Nepal, you can refer to the official website of the Nepal Stock Exchange.

Stay patient, stay informed, and may your next IPO application in Nepal be a successful one! Happy investing!

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